It’s been 10 months since I’ve stepped into the “programming” world. I was so insanely captivated by the world of coding that for the first six months, I’ve literally spent all my time, at least 12 hours a day, on researching, learning, and practicing how to code or anything related to programming. I remember somedays, not being able to sleep because I was so curious and excited about what I would learn the next day. In my seventh month, I was so hungry for real genuine experience in coding, that I basically begged my way into a job as a graduate developer in a software development company. Here I spent days, nights, and weekends working, not because I had to, but only because it was SO… MUCH… FUN… After only 3 months in the job, I was assigned as the project manager of a VR app dev project and was promoted to the lead of my dev team. And the funny thing is, I had initially refused role in the first place because i wanted more time to code than to manager a team or project.

An enormous amount of information and knowledge has stacked up in my brain, and I feel like a totally different person compared to when I first set foot into this world. But yet… I am starving for more…. I am so hungry for more knowledge about any or all fields of programming… I wish I had known about this in my youth years, then I would be able to consume and absorb much more, much faster…

I start this blog, somehow wishing it would lead me into an experience and knowledge in a new and exciting development area. I plan to blog about my journey as a developer and programmer, along with my thoughts and what I’ve learned. I hope reading my content can impact your journey in life positivly, even a fraction of an angle, then it feels worth while.